The Case Of Mr. Hatch, The Unionist Member For The
Gorton division, as set forth in his speech at Manchester on Wednesday, is on all fours with that of Mr. Arthur Elliot. Elected as a Unionist when his party was Free-trade, he......
Many Interruptions, Was More Unfriendly Than Such...
to be. He repudiated, in our view rightly, the idea, apparently held by the Opposition, that Governments were elected on a specific mandate for a specific task, and that when......
An Appeal On Behalf Of The Formation Of Moral Character
as the chief end of all true education has been sent to the local education authorities in England and Wales. The signatories, who represent almost every shade of opinion in......
Mr. Arthur Elliot, M.p., In A Letter To Wednesday's Times
illustrates from his own experience the extraordinary situation in which the Unionist party has been landed by the reticence of Mr. Balfour and the exuberance of the Tariff......
On The Fiscal Question The Prime Minister Said Nothing To
reassure Free-traders. He accepted Mr. Morley's challenge to put his policy on a sheet of note-paper, and read out as its contents :—(1) Such alteration in our present system as......
Last Week, That They Agreed In Principle, And That Mr.
Balfour advocated his objects as strongly as any Tariff Reformer could desire. As for the policy of the Government, he charged them with never having thought out their problems,......
There Was, Continued Mr. Morley, Not A Single Direct...
in the House of Lords, and that was one reason why Ireland might claim somewhat more than her exact numerical proportion in the popular branch of the Legislature. We entirely......
We Note With Satisfaction The Announcement That Mr. H. Rider
Haggard has been nominated by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to proceed to the United States to inquire into and report upon the conditions and character of the......