28 JANUARY 1905, Page 7

Outlines of the History of Art. By Dr. W. Liibke.

Edited, Minutely Revised, and Largely Rewritten by Russell Sturgis. 2 vols. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 36s. net.)—When we consider that this work deals with sculpture, architecture, and painting from the earliest times down to the present, we may forgive the slightness of some of the information. If we are not always in accord with the judgments, we must remember that the wide- ness of the field brings with it room for diversity of taste. After having said this, we must note how very wide are the sympathies and knowledge of the authors. The illustrations call for further revision. For instance, the absurd little line drawing of the so-called Giorgione " Concert" in the Pitti should certainly have been left out, as there is also a good photographic reproduction of the same picture.