28 JANUARY 1905, Page 7

The Poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. (Ellis and Elvey. 16s.

net.)—Rossetti's own pictures have fitly been used in this edition, which is printed on good paper from thick black type. Mr. W. M. Rossetti has written a short notice of his brother by way of introduction, from which we quote the following words in which he gives the essentials of the artist-poet's character :—" In family affection warm and equable, and (except in relation to our mother, for whom he bad a fondling love) not demonstrative. Never on stilts in matters of intellect or aspiration, but steeped in the sense of beauty, and loving, if not always practising, the good ; keenly alive also (though many people have seemed to discredit this) to the laughable as well as the grave or solemn side of things ; superstitious in grain, and anti-scientific to the marrow."