Cardigan Priory in the Olden Days. By Olwen Powys (Emily
M. Pritchard). (W. Heinemann. 10s. net.)—Unfortunately, all the industry used in collecting the materials for this account of Cardigan Priory has not been able to recover much that is of human interest. There are grants, and charters and agreements, and some names; but of the life lived in this Benedictine monastery next to nothing. We are not saying that the work was not worth doing ; still, when done it is not generally interesting. There is, indeed, something about a taper which was supposed never to waste, one of the stories current at the time of the Dissolution. This seems to want a little explanation, if such could have been given. In any case, some illustra- tions from similar cases would have been acceptable. This particular taper was said to have burnt " in the hand of our Lady for the space of nyne years without wastynge until the tyme that one foreswore himself thereon."