When the police entered the cipher- room, which had to
be forced, they found a man known as Anton Miller burning documents. He resisted the police and during the struggle a packet fell from his pocket containing addresses of Communist agents, who apparently received Russian pay, in various parts of the Empire and the United States. Perhaps the most important fact revealed by Mr. Baldwin was in connexion with Russian activities in China. It was already obvious enough—but there is now chapter and verse to prove—that the inspired revolution in China was deliberately directed against Great Britain. When the Chargé d'Affaires in Moscow recently questioned Litvinoff about Borodin's exact functions, Litvinoff said that he did not know much about him except that he was a friend of Sun Yat-Sen and that he was an irresponsible person working quite independently. M. Rosengolz, the Soviet Chargé d'Affaires in London, also informed the newspapers that Borodin was a private person with whom the Soviet had no connexion whatever. Yet Mr. Baldwin was able to quote from a telegram sent months ago by Chitcherin to certain Russians in China telling them to take their instructions from Borodin. Borodin was not to be openly recognized as their chief.
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