A Titmouse's Effort [to The Editor Of The Seeetatott.]
Sta,---This spring a pair of great titmice has nested in the letter-box of my house, regardless of the fact that on the other side of the door a nesting-box had been provided......
Testingmotor-car Tyres [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
have had quite a busy time in public lately justifying motor racing on the familiar ground that it provides the engineer with much useful technical data. But if I may say a word......
Egg-laying Records [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]...
those who have read the " Country Life and Sport " notes in your issue of April 23rd, it, may be of interest to know that the feat of a Canadian hen, mentioned therein, was some......
Petrol Price Reductions [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
The vendors of unbranded petrol, the so-called inde- pendent firms, are claiming that to them is due the credit for the recent welcome reductions in the price of motor spirit.......
The Cruelty Of The Fur Trade [to The Editor Of
the SPECTATOR.] SIR,— -Will you allow me space in which. to acknowledge and answer the surprisingly large number of communications from Great Britain and the Dominions which......