*nm Csical Cuckoos.
Have other observers noticed this year how very much out of tune the cuckoos are ? They are in great quantity and sing interminably, especially at night, or very, very early in......
A Health Week.
It should be of direct interest to our rural producers as well as urban consumers that a special " Health and Empire Week " is to be celebrated at one, at any rate, of the big......
Is Farming Doomed ?
Some say that 1927 is more obviously the nadir than 1777 or thereabouts was the approach to the zenith of British agriculture. Thousands of farms are mortgaged to the hilt and......
The Sensitive May-fix.
The May-fly, or Green Drake, that excites the zeal of the more amateur fisherman, appeared last week on streams in the Home Counties ; but the rise was small and suddenly......
* * * * A Thrusu-robin.
Any lover of birds who visits the London Zoo will find peculiar interest in a recent arrival from Mexico. The bird is quite new to me, and is called, with complete aptness, a......
Country Life And Sport
150 YEARS QF FARMING. THE worse the plight of the farmer, the better the agricultural show—that is the feeling produced by visiting the first of the great shows of this year—the......
Beneficent Greed.
One of the authentic pleasures of the season is to watch young birds after leaving the nest. Anyone who is at all dis- posed to the heresy that birds are of little service in a......