28 MAY 1927, page 11

Joanna Southcott's Box W E Are Told That The Ape And

the tiger in man die very hard ; but we are continually being shown that it is the child and the simpleton that die hardest of all. One more example of this kind was given us......

Australian Landscape

O N this high ground grow tallow wood and the saw- leaved eallicoma. Here spotted gums and turpen- tines rise—tower tall—where once the great leviathan took his pleasure. On......

The Theatre

[ " DAVID." BY D. H. LAWRENCE. AT THE R lit: ENT THEATRE.-" ASLEEP." BY CYRn. CA M PION. AT TUE DUKE OF YORK'S Tnn.vran.] WHAT is it that persuades a writer of such intense......