28 MAY 1927, page 19

The Empire Marketing Board Is To Be Congratulated On The

copies of its posters which it is distributing to schools in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Private copies are available at ls. a copy for the posters (" An Indian Rice......

This Week's Books

ONE approaches Professor Maedonell's survey of the litera- tures, religions, languages and antiquities of India (India's Past. Oxford University Press. 10s.) with respect,......

M. Jacques Worth Gives This Formula For Success In Dress

to women who make their own clothes " The smart style. The new material in an unimpeachable quality. The chic colour. Perfect workmanship," and, we may add, The New Butterick......

Many Of Our Readers Are No Doubt Interested In Writing

fin newspapers. For such, we can fully recommend Free Lance Fallacies, by Mr. Philip Harrison (Hutchinson. 2s. Gd.). It is a curious fact that young men and women who will spend......

Sir Francis Younghusband Has Always Something Original...

say. In The Light of Experience (Constable. 15s.) he devotes a chapter to his literary activities and con- leases that some of his hooks were failures ; this book at any rate......

Mr. David Ockham In Stentor, Or The Press Of To-day

and To-morrow (Kegan Paul. 2s. 641.), has said just what one expects any sensible person to say about the " trustificatwa " of the Press. And we are glad to note that he pays a......

The Studio, Whose Editions Of Famous Sporting Prints Are...

well-known, sends us a timely volume with eight excellent colour plates of " The Derby " (5s.).......

The Result Of The Competition

q , llERE were a very large number of entries to our competition which closed last week asking for a list of the eight foremost English poets and another list of the four best......

The New Competition

THE Editor offers a prize of £5 for the best philosophy of life which readers can write on the back of a postcard. We shall attempt no definitions nor shall we ask our readers......