The Empire Marketing Board is to be congratulated on the
copies of its posters which it is distributing to schools in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Private copies are available at ls. a copy for the posters (" An Indian Rice Field," " Tea Picking in Ceylon," " The Empire's Copra," " The Empire's Sugar Cane," " The Suez Canal "), and there is also an enchanting map (by Mr. Macdonald Gill, it is almost needless to say) to be had for ls. Gd. We find the texts which accompany the posters to be more effective than the posters themselves : the texts are simple and yet fire the imagination, especially the little article on rice by Mr. Ian Colvin (has he ever eaten a sheep's-head curry in Madras ?), whereas the posters are decidedly overburdened with detail. Highways of Empire, as Mr. Gill's map is called, should be in every schoolroom throughout the land, for it is instructive, decorative, amusing and patriotic. The more we study it the more apparent becomes the cleverness of its execution --in its own quaint fashion it is a masterpiece.
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