It should be of direct interest to our rural producers as well as urban consumers that a special " Health and Empire Week " is to be celebrated at one, at any rate, of the big London stores. The idea springs from the energetic brains of some of the members of the New Health Society. Lord Meath, Sir Arbuthnot Lane and many other authorities, both on Empire and health, will speak at the Haymarket (a good name in this connection). The week will coincide with the publication of some very excellent propaganda on the value of wholemeal breads and biscuits. The result depends in the last analysis ea public taste ; but there are some satisfactory signs that British wheat (to-day systematically sold under its proper value and over its proper weight in comparison with imported Wheat) is coming into its own. Its progressive belittlement, principally by bakers, is a curious tale, illustrating abysmal ignorance of the science of dietetics in the consumer.