28 MAY 1927, Page 16


Sin,—I am compelled to read your interesting paper as a source from which to derive general knowledge for my exam. (I am a student of seventeen years of age). Some weeks ago I read an article in the correspondence columns advocating the substitution of milk for tea, coffee and cocoa drinking. I tried the experiment with great success, and arising in natural sequence from this milk " diet" I became a vegetarian. I might here state that a work by an eminent French author condemning slaughter had a great effect on my decision.

The following is a fair example of my daily diet :- Breakfast : Toast and jam ; one half-pint of milk.

Dinner (12 o'clock) : Salad and bread and butter, or egg sandwiches ; water or lemonade.

Tea : Fresh or preserved fruit ; bread and butter and cake ; one half-pint of milk.

Supper : Salad or Force " (malted wheat) ; one half-pint of milk.

I must confess that I feel much the better for this diet.- 1 am, Sir, &c.,

C. L. GREENING, 6th.

Jones' West Mon. School, Pontypool, Mon.