28 MAY 1927, Page 2

The agreement between the British and _ American GOvernments in

regard to the *claim of America for compensation for damage done to her shipping befOre • she entered the War has the .merit of being humorous, friendly and conclusive. When Mr. Borah first insisted that Great Britain should pay, no Englishman and very few Americans could regard the claim with a straight face, because immediately America entered the War she also found it necessary to sink neutral ships. However, as the Borah claim was .persisted in it had to be faced. And the culmination of the discussion is that Great Britain pays America about £200,000, and that America pays Great Britain the same amount for counter-claims. We are reminded of certain hints to young people who wanted to cut a dash on slender means. In a list of wedding presents : " Bridegroom to bride, £1,000,000. Bride to bridegroom, £1,000,000."

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