The first visible result of the appointment of Sir Charles
Madden to succeed Lord Beatty as First Sea Lord was the announcement on May 4th that the Harper Report would be published. This Report was compiled by Admiral Harper under the instructions of Lord Wester Wemyss, who was then First Sea Lord. The intention was to give the public a coherent account of the battle. In November, 1919, Lord Beatty became First Sea Lord, and the new Board did not approve of the Report. It was severely edited and Admiral Harper complained ---we quote the words from the Manchester Guardian— of the " deletions, alterations and additions demanded by those in authority." In 1922 the long period of expectation was ended by the announcement that the Report would not be published at all. The official Narrative of Jutland was issued instead. This in its turn was severely criticized, notably by Lord Jellicoe and Sir Reginald Bacon. In the House of Commons on Wednesday it was stated that the Harper Report will be published as originally written.