EPSTEIN v. Mexcu.
Last winter the Society of Scottish Artists invited Edvard Munch to send over some of his paintings to their exhibition in the R.S.A. Galleries. They discovered so much ignorance in us, provoked therefore so much indignation (especially in the Press) and outraged so many of Edinburgh's artistic proprieties that the public attendance at the exhibition increased by one thousand five hundred over the previous year's figure. Not to be outdone by this sensational coup, the Royal Scottish Academy have borrowed Epstein's Genesis from Mrs. Alfred Bossom for their summer show, and one can only hope that their learned President has been comforted by the really intelligent appreciations- (" Now why on earth is she that shape ? Oh Genesis . . . I see." One like to be seen looking at the thing my dear . . . not pretty at all . . . you know I really wonder at the authorities allowing it to be exhibited in Edinburgh . " that the Public have accorded his Academy's latest enterprise.
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