Alice In Wonderland
Tim days of man's life are threescore years and ten—what are the days of the life of a book ? There is one book, at least, which will live much longer than that, for on July......
Exploring Scotland
The Glory of Scotland. By J. J. Bell. (Harrap. 7s. 6d.) WHILE England is smoothly celebrated as a green and pleasant land, Scotland's praise has been largely a matter of the......
The Princess Charlotte
The Ill-fated Princess. By G. J. Bonier. (Davies. Ss. Gd.) . 11A111.017E, only child of the Prince Regent, afterwards George IV, and Caroline of Brunswick, was indeed an......
Loch Lomond
A Study in Angling Conditions. By Henry Lamond, F.S.A. Scot. (Glasgow: Jackson, Wylie and Co. 12a. lid.) As the population of this island increases it requires more and more......