Bewildered America
Some indication of the state of mind of the bewildered public of America is given in an article in another column by an experienced observer who has just returned from the......
Miss Earhart's Achievement
Miss Earhart (Mrs. Putnam) is to be congratulated on the courage, the good fortune and the efficient Wasp engine which enabled her to fly the Atlantic, from New- foundland to......
Germany And Lausanne
The battle for the control of Prussia, with all the reper- cussions that it will have on the Government of the Reich, is now joined, literally as well as metaphorically. The......
A Great Shipowner Scotland And The Empire Lose An Able
and vigorous personality in Lord Inchcape, who died suddenly on Monday while on his yacht at Monte Carlo. The son of a small Arbroath shipowner, he made his first voyage at the......
Economy At Geneva The British `government Has Not Handled...
proposal for an inquiry into League of Nations expenditure very happily, though' it has the satisfaction of having gained the support of Panama and Germany (and apparently no......
Obscure Japan
Japan, it seems, is to have a non-party government after all. The new Prime Minister—not Mr. Suzuki, head of the Seiyukai, or Baron Hiranuma, head of the Nationalist society......