[to The Editor Of The Seim-mom] Sm.--the Man That Knocked
me down and was the cause of my right leg being amputated behaved with the most admirable sang-froid. I mean that he was neither cold-blooded, nor did his blood run cold. He......
Sunday At The Zoo
[To the Editor of the Spacmrcut.] might be inferred front your recent comment that only Fellows of the Zoological Society of London have access to the Zoo on Sundays. But this......
[to The Editor Of The Seimr.vron.]
Sta,—/)Lay I, while only having half Mr. Pardoe's years at the wheel but more than twice his total mileage, endorse every word he has written? Incidentally, I also have had......
The Toll Of The Roads
[To the Editor of the Smer.vron.] Stn,—It is remarkable that a gentleman with so much motoring experience as Mr. J. H. Pardoe claims to possess should class " a cyclist without......
[to The Editor Of The Sev.er.vron.]
Sia,—I was much interested in the letter of a correspondent headed " Sunday and the Sabbath." The writer quotes Martin Luther's severe strictures on the mixing up of the two. I......