28 MAY 1932, page 1

M. Herriot Taking Over

The interview between M. Tardieu and M. Herriot at the Elysee on Tuesday has given rise to more random speculation than seems called for. Such affairs, after all, are sometimes......

Editorial And Publishing Offices : 99 Gower Street,...

Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per uttNUM, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPEC - rayon is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......

News Of The Week

TITHE repeated warnings of the Chancellor of the -a- Exchequer on the need for further economies must be taken seriously. Further economy may be the only alternative to further......

The Prospects For Ottawa

Mr. George Lambert, who sits for a Devonshire consti- tuency, asked the Minister of Agriculture on Monday whether Ise was aware that Devon producers had been obliged to hold......