Scottish Steamer Services
Visitors to Scotland to-day are able to make the journey by three direct steamer routes along the East Coast, landing at either Leith. Dundee or Aberdeen. It is also possible to go via the West Coast
to Glasgow, either direct-or by way of Plymouth, Waterfonl, Belfast and Greenock. Return taro tickets are available for these going hy.the Clyde Shipping Company's boats on the West route, so that they may vary their journey arid return by the East Coast from Leith or Dundee. This " Round Ticket " eosts 85s. lat &age Cahill class. The Clyde vessels sail from London direct for Glasgow every Satur- day, arriving on Tuesday, while the time occupied on the East Coast trip is between thirty-four and thirty-six hours.
Messrs. MacBrayne's new steamer sa. Loehbroom ' is scheduled to leave' Glasgow approximately every -ten days for a cruise of the Western Isles. s The duration of the tour is seven to eight days; and its poets of 'call include Oban; Tabertitety-, Eigg, Mallaig, Kyle of Loehalsh, BrOadfjorcl, Por4ee ' Oak:loch; Ullapool and Lochinver. Weathei perznittmg, the date; of sailing will be as follows : June 2nd, 13th and 23rd, July 4th, 14th and 25th, August 4th, 15th and 25t1t, and September 5th, 15th and 26th. Fares from £6 10s. to £11. This Company's brochure gives details of numerous island tours.
The cruises to the Outer Hebrides by Messrs. M'Cullum Orme's s.s. ' Hebrides' and sa. Dunars Castle' occupy,roughly the same time. Intended millings are twice every ten days from the Clyde. Those for June are as follows June 2nd, 6th, 13th, 16th, 23rd and 27th. Fares, £9.