Firms are at. a most exciting stage. No one can say that such and such a .film is or is not good because it is or is not like some accepted classic. There is; for good or ill, no tradition.; and the critic must stake his reputation on his . own perception. But this much the present writer can say by way of compariSon, that he has never before seen so lovely a film as Cinderella, that he'erne out of it quite drunk With its beauty and is far from Ober yet. Feeling convinced that it was a much .better. film than Warning Shadows, he went to -see that famous picture again : it confirmed hi.; opinion ; Cinderella is the most :16vely film yet seen in England. But as yet it has only been seen-by the member; of the Film Society. Whether any picture palace Will have the good sense to make it available to the public is yet to be seen ; if it does, the popular success - should' be enormous : as well as beauty, it has every kind of appeal.
The " Resurrection " series, with two early slap-stick comedies, was of. historical interest, but dull to the lay eye. Why not revive a Tense Human Drama of the same period ? It would be much funnier. • There was also an -amusing French picture, with admirably manipulated puppets ; but trick stuff of this:kind cannot really compare With the stniight- fOrward loveliness of Herr Berger's masterpiece. The Film Society's next performance will be on Deceinber 20th.