THE PSYCHOLOGY OF GENIUS The Region Cloud. By Percy Lubbock. (Cape. 7s. &I. net.) Mn. LUBBOCK is still, and first, a stylist. He cannot write unmusically ; but sometimes his......
King Henry The Fifth's' Poet Historical. By W. F. P.
Stockley. (Heath Cranten. 7s. 6d. net.) MR. STOCKLEY is diffuse and writes in a difficult, sometimes in a violent style, and his chief motive for writing seems to be anger that......
Other Novels
Thomas the Lambkin. By Claude Farrere. Translated by Leo Ongley. (Butterworth. 7s. 6d. net.)—A vigorOus tale of action on land and on the high seas, with a dashing......
Daphne Bruno. By Ernest Raymond. (cassell. 7s. Fkl•...
written tale of the infancy, girlhood and love affairs of a charming but rebellious daughter of a literary man. Marriage, with its disappointments and triumphs, teaches her to......
Thunder Boy. By Olaf Baker. (butterworth: 7s. 6d. Net.)—a...
Indian boy grows up amidst huMan and animal friends and enemies. Mr. Baker describes vividly his encoun- ters with coyotes, herons and grizzlies and the final routing of his......
The Book Of The Ropes. - By Dr. F. J. Bayer.
Traiizlated by E. M. Lamond. (Methuen. 7s. 6d. not.) This book has les.s than fifty pages. of letterpress, but nearly . seven hundred excellent illustrations—of the Popes, their......
A Library List
Poems 1909-1925. By T. S. Eliot. (Faber and Cwyer. • 7s. 6d.) Adve ntures in Philosophy. By .1. C. Wordsworth. (George Allen and Unwin, Ltd. 15s.) . . British Birds. Vol. 2. By......
Recreations Of London
LECTURES November 30th, 7.0 p.m.--Tux Strru ASSEmBLY OF THE LEAGUE or NATIONS AT GENEVA. By Frederick Whelan. One of a series of lectures given at the Wesleyan Central Hall......