What In Any Way Pleases The North Is Not At
all likely to please those intransigeant elements in the Free State who arc now making Mr. Cosgrave's position so insecure. The only hope seems to be in giving the whole subject......
Dr. Macneill, Who No Doubt Was Pressed By Mr. Cosgrave
to resign from the Commission as a result of the Morning Post revelation's, has since resigned from the Free State GovernMent. Perhaps the most interesting remaining question is......
We Have Described At Length In Our First Leading Article
the facts of the situation and need not recapitulate them here. We will only add that the long statement which Dr. MacNeill made in the Dail on Tuesday about his resignation......
We Trust, However, That Even If It Is Considered Desirable
to publish the AWard there will, by mutual agreement, be no attempt to enforce it. Much the best thing would be to regard it as an abstract opinion. • Abstract opinions often......
News Of The Week
I ONG continued strai n , and anxiety for the safety A of his Governmenti,are no doubt largely responsible for Mr. Cosgrave's denunciation of the Boundary Com- mission and his......
Editorial And Pubiisiiing Offices : 13 York Street,...
London, W.C.2.—A Subscription to the " Spectator " costs Thirty Shillings per OMD014, including postage, to any part of the world. The- Postage on this issue is : Inland, 11.,......