The Government Have Produced Their Plans—published In The...
last Saturday—for maintaining essential supplies in the event of a general strike. A stateMent , explaining the plans was sent by the Ministry of Health to all the local......
On Wednesday The Trial Of The Twelve Communists :barged With
conspiracy ended in a verdict of guilty. The jury did not hesitate, and it must be clear to all who read the evidence that the jury could not have come to any other conclusion.......
For The Evidence Was Conclusive That The Prisoners Had...
the crimes of actively trying , to bring 'about civil war and the overthrow of the Constitution, and for this purpose had tried to seducemen in the Navy, Army and Air - Force.......
Thoagh We Have Always Held That Signor Mussolini ' S...
to Italy in her crisis were immense, we grow more and more . disheartened as he yields to every tendency that . removes Italy ,further from constitution- alism. We cannot help......
France At The Moment When We Write Is Without ' A
Government. She seems to be no nearer the end of her political troubles and further from any satisfaetory pros- pect of settling her financial difficulties even temporarily. The......
This Scheme, As Was To Be Expected, Has Been Indig.'
nantly assailed by Labour. In this matter J r a hour is ; indeed difficult to please. When the unofficially„organized O.M.S. was started, Labour speakers laid it down that it •......
We Trust, However, That Even If It Is Considered Desirable
to publish the AWard there will, by mutual agreement, be no attempt to enforce it. Much the best thing would be to regard it as an abstract opinion. • Abstract opinions often......
M. Painleve Resigned Forthwith. The President On Monday...
Briand to form a new Government. Within twenty-four hours he - reported that he was unable to do so. M. Doutriergue thereupon turned to M. Doumer. M. Domner, in turn, refused,......