France at the moment when we write is WithOut ' a
Government. She seems to be no nearer the end of her political troubles and further from any satisfaetory pros- pect of settling her financial difficulties even temporarily. The debate in the Chamber on the Finance Bill was continued to the end of last week and revealed less and less- unanimity. 1'f. Painleve reiterated his view that further Inflation Would be' *rime and against 0-Mlle opinion ; therefore he must press his proposals for taxation and consolidation of debt Which we summarized last week.: On Friday, Novernber 20th, the Socialists had definitely threatened to withdraw' their support frOmAhe Bill, 'and last Sunday the Government was defeated by three votes on the clause which would postpone the. redeMption of Treatury Bonds ,due on December 8th. M. Painleve lost several Radical votes, including those of some of M. Loucheur's followers, by the refusal to satisfy
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those who demanded immediate repaynwnt. The com- bination of Radicals and SOcialistS, never securely baSed except in opposition to the Nationalists, has failed the GoVeinnient.
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