28 NOVEMBER 1925, page 12
Otori-ng - Notes
THE CAR IN WINTER TIIOSE- who-possess a heated- garage are saved much anxiety during' the 'Winter; Months. " • But •ccinipitratively fevi of us possess"-such a luxury ; the......
Letters To. The -editor
A - MIRACLE - - OF- :CAPITALISM - . [To the Editor or the' SrEcrxrcin.] . . • . '' Sm,-1.3nder the title of " A Miracle of Capitalism cor- respondent; Sir H. Perry Robinson,......
New Gallery Cinema, Sunday, November 22xn.
Firms are at. a most exciting stage. No one can say that such and such a .film is or is not good because it is or is not like some accepted classic. There is; for good or ill,......