AN ANGLER'S PARADISE [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—Hasing
visited Lake Taupo, New Zealand, for a couple of days in April, I am glad to be able to reassure Mr. 1Cenway as to: the size of rainbow trout to be caught there to-day, In two hours' trolling (two rods) we landed six fish scaling from 8 lb down to 4/ lb, and I saw one trout of 12 lb, which was. caught at a river mouth, brought into the hotel. The current theory is that the size of the fish varies from year to year. In 1924 the average weight was said to have been better than this year, and it was confidently expected that in 1928 the catch would again be better and the fish heavier.
At Rotorua I saw catches of eight and six fish brought in, each the result of night fly-fishing in a neighbouring lake. The average weight was at least as good as those we got in Taupo. —I am, Sir, &c., 7 Palmerston Rocutttlinbiirgh.