SIR,—By a curious coincidence, on the very day—August 15th—on which I read Marc T. Greene's impressive article, headed as above, which appears in your issue for that week, I received a letter which emphatically confirms it. The letter is from a friend in Toronto who has paid a prolonged visit to Jamaica. He is a keen student of social problems, and has used his powers of observation to good purpose. He writes: " Last autumn we all flew :o Jamaica and spent a wonderful winter in that beautiful tropical land. Oh, the great natural beauty of Jamaica—but oh, the appalling human poverty! • New and old mingle there, like great beauty and great ugliness, in startling contrast. Never have I seen human beings work so terribly hard for so terribly little." (Details follow.) It is encouraging that the Home Government—even amidst our own grave stresses—is alive to these problems ; but articles like that of Mr. Greene are needed to keep public attention alive to the gravity of the