29 AUGUST 1947, page 2

Freedom For Science

Resuming, deliberately, its meetings at Dundee so brusquely interrupted on September 1st, 1939, the British Association is this week entering in the same city on a series of......

Food In The World Market

At the second annual meeting of the Food and Agriculture Organ- isation a year ago it was proposed that a world food board should be created for the purpose of buying supplies......

Coal Deadlock

It is almost beyond belief that at this moment nothing whatever is being done by the miners to secure a rapid increase in the output of coal. It has been agreed in principle......

Scotland Shows The Way

The example which Scotland is giving to the whole of Britain at this crucial moment is all but perfect. While in the wider sphere economic crisis is being stemmed with......

Issues At Canberra

The Commonwealth Conference at Canberra is one of the en- couraging signs in a discouraging world. As things have turned out, it is far more opportune than when it was first......