29 AUGUST 1947, page 18


Sra,—Pak is an Urdu word taken from Persian meaning " holy." Istan (as in Afghan-istan) means " place " or " land," so that Pakistan would seem to signify "holy land." Surely......

Terrier Fishers Sir,—sir William Beach Thomas Tells Us...

have recently discovered that terriers can be trained to retrieve hooked salmon. May I be allowed to say that I made, between seventy and eighty years ago, the still more......

Friends Of India

Sta, — As the friend of one of them, I find it a sad reflection that, in these days of the fulfilment of British rule in India, no tribute has been paid to the memory of two men......

A Rural Threat

A symptom that makes me fear for the future of rural England is the campaign against the hedgerow, preached by some of our economists, and now being definitely practised in......

Winter Frosts

The exceptional winter frosts showed us which birds and beasts, which shrubs and to some extent which insects, were good resisters. I think the mortality was high among a number......

Cquntry Life

NEVER have I seen the country suffer so greatly from lack of the scythe. The machines that now do the harvesting are marvellous works of art. They make harvest a quick festival......

The Anglo-indians' Case

Sta,—Mr. KirkpatriCk's letter in your issue of August 22nd gives a wrong impression of the Anglo-Indian population, I think. The "creation " of this community was, of . course,......

A Happy Survival It Was Feared At One Time That

one British bird had been wiped clean out by the excesses of last winter and spring—to wit, the very local bearded tit. I hear with delight that just two pairs survived and have......

In My Garden One Of The Great Advantages Of - Sowing

some garden crops late in the season is that they are then quite free from their worst pests. For ex- ample: the late peas this year and the late carrots are insect free; much......

What The Unions Think

SIR,—To your pertinent criticisms of the T.U.C. agenda (in The Spectator of August 22nd) might be added some on the annual report ; for instance, that, during the year, nearly......

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