A Blank Cheque
Sta,—Tuming to A Spectator's Notebook first, as I always do, I fmd it " plain incomprehensible," as Janus would say, to assert that the Govern- ment has asked Parliament for a......
" Slums Of The Empire "
SIR,—By a curious coincidence, on the very day—August 15th—on which I read Marc T. Greene's impressive article, headed as above, which appears in your issue for that week, I......
Terrier Fishers Sir,—sir William Beach Thomas Tells Us...
have recently discovered that terriers can be trained to retrieve hooked salmon. May I be allowed to say that I made, between seventy and eighty years ago, the still more......
Good Hunting
Snt,—At a time when Alped spokesmen emphasise that the present hunger in Germany is caused by a world shortage of food, I am told that about 30,000 wild boars are roaming about......
Custard And Ambergris
Sut,—Mr. Harold Nicolson's delightful article on English cookery will doubtless result in his joining the Kitchen Committee of his club. As a member of the same club I view this......
" Agriculture And Dollars " Sir, —in Your Issue Of August
15th, Mr. H. D. Walston catalogued the factors which he considers "clamp the brake upon agricultural production." He heads the list with " shortage of labour," but he nowhere......
Crisis And Bubble Sia,—in Your Leading Article Of August...
you rightly point out that the Government have taken powers—" ensuring that the whole resources of the community are available for use, and are used, in a manner best calculated......
To Ensure Regular Receipt Of The Spectator, Readers Are...
to place a firm order with their newsagent or to take out a subscription. Newsagents cannot afford to take the risk of carrying stock, as unsold copies are non-return- able.......
"affectionately Yours, Fanny"
Sta,—In reference to Mr. C. E. Vulliamy's review of my biography of Fanny Kemble, Affectionately Yours, Fanny, may I protest against mis- representations which occur in his......