29 AUGUST 1947, page 4

The Way I Came To Be At Lord's Last Monday

was that my colleague Harold Nicolson some time ago wrote an article distinctly derogatory of cricket and Sir Pelham Warner thought he ought to see some proper cricket so I......

The Veto Crisis O Pinions May Differ About The...

a discussion on the veto by the Security Council at this juncture. There was something to be said for leaving the whole question till the meeting of the General Assembly next......

A Spectator 's Notebook

E VERYONE who listened to the nine o'clock news on Wednesday night must have felt considerably deflated. We had been keyed up for stern sacrifices that would have gone a long......

In Connection With The Two Privilege Cases Now Before The

House of Commons I have heard various questions asked as to what penalties the House has it in its power to inflict if it wants to inflict any, and who was the last occupant of......

* * * *

Taken all round, I thought Mr. Morrison's the best of the three political broadcasts with which we have been favoured at recent week-ends—though how far we are really the better......

In Various Odd Corners Of The Spectator Lately Fortunate...

who have resumed contact with Switzerland have been drawing polite but firm comparisons between that country and this, usually to the advantage of the former. I heard this week......

When I Say (on The Authority Of Sir Henry Dale,

President of the British Association), that di-isopropyffiuorophosphonate has proved very effective in annulling the action of cholinesterase, I am sure my readers will feel......