29 DECEMBER 1950, Page 13

In the Garden

Here it is much as it was last week, with the vagaries of the weather triumphant. The main activity has been the laying down of wire-netting over the fish-tank under the weeping willow, in preparation for the seasonal migration of that active creature, the human grandchild. Last year two of the younger specimens, hand-in-hand, walked rapturously into it, much to the alarm of the goldfish, shaken out of their mandarin meditations.

Crossing the valley to the gardens of the sweet-pea donor, I found a wonderful display in her greenhouse of the strelitzia regina. How aptly named it is, as the Bird of Paradise Flower, with its string of bloom, deep orange and long, blue plume. The wonder of a hothouse in winter, with the snow lying outside, while within, the banks of exotic blooms are piled up, is an experience which comes with perennial surprise upon