29 DECEMBER 1950, page 15

Freedom And Society

Snt,—For denying what he calls the worker's " freedom to join or not to join a union," Booth Walters likens me to a German acquaintance, who, after experience of Hitlerism,......

32 Harlington Grove, Cambridge. G. Cyril Armstrong....

Carman, takes exception to what he calls Anglo-Catholics' " official attitude towards the reunion of Christendom," and asserts that they " stand exposed as Pharisees." May I......

Ic* 6pettator-,z Alsectinber 28t1j, 1850

The election contest at Sl'Alban's has been one of unusual excitement. At the nomination, Mr. Jacob Bell, the wealthy Quaker chemist, was proposed by Mr. Kinder, and seconded by......

Christmas Questions

`Below are printed the answers to the Christmas. Questions published in the Spectator of December 22nd:— 1. a. The man who lived on the other of the river. b. The chief actor in......