32 Harlington Grove, Cambridge. G. Cyril Armstrong....
Carman, takes exception to what he calls Anglo-Catholics' " official attitude towards the reunion of Christendom," and asserts that they " stand exposed as Pharisees." May I......
Sir,—mr. Mccombe May Be Correct In Recalling That...
not apply the term " sonnet " to the sixteen-line poems in his cycle " Modern Love "; but he is falling into an error of generalisation in supposing that " it has been always......
Letters To The Editor
The Life of Bonar Law SIR,-1 cannot but be obliged to Janus for the complimentary references which he makes to me in his Notebook, but I must take issue with him on one point.......
Church Unity
SIR,—Mr. Christie's article has 1 doubt not touched an answering chord in the soul of many a loyal layman. For more than thirty years the question of home reunion has been......
What Is A Sonnet?
SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. W. J. McCombe, finds fault with me for speaking of " the Meredithian form of sonnet." But it is not I with whom the fault lies. Mr_ McCombe must s......
The Virgin Birth
SIR, —A few comments may be made on Mr. Wilson Harris's balanced article on the evidence for and against the Virgin Birth. There is an obvious slip in his statement that the......