29 DECEMBER 1950, page 13

In The Garden

Here it is much as it was last week, with the vagaries of the weather triumphant. The main activity has been the laying down of wire-netting over the fish-tank under the weeping......

Studying The Robin

With the world under snow we have had the close company of the robin again. I have thus been able to put to the test a statement by a friend—that the robin has a blue feather......

Country Life

THE Kent County Council has just issued a statement, drawn up by the Kent Planning Committee, on the development plan for the county. It needs to be studied in relation -to the......

Horresco Referens A Proposal To Establish A Civil Airport...

for the Port of London on the River Swale and the southern half of the Isle of Sheppey has been dropped, as larger, national planning favours only one marine airport in the......

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