29 DECEMBER 1950, page 2

The Stone

Comment and conjecture about the theft of the Stone of Scone from Westminster Abbey very quickly reached a point at which Scottish Nationalists were saying that this performance......

Reviewing The Railways

Sir Eustace Missenden is not leaving the post of Chairman of the Railway Executive in disgust. The letters which he exchanged with Lord Hurcomb, the Chairman of the British......

India And Nepal

The lecture on government which Mr. Nehru has despatched to the Prime Minister of Nepal is not likely to do the people of that State much good. The Indian Prime Minister has......

The French Effort

The evidence of French willingness to play a full part in the defence of Western Europe will not readily be sought in the debates of the National Assembly. But, despite the......

The United States And Spain

Contrary to expectation the Government of the United States has anticipated our own in resuming full diplomatic relations with Spain. Mr. Stanton Griffis, till lately American......