29 DECEMBER 1950, Page 15

Freedom and Society

Snt,—For denying what he calls the worker's " freedom to join or not to join a union," Booth Walters likens me to a German acquaintance, who, after experience of Hitlerism, accepted as logical those things ne formally [formerly ?] condemned as being satanic." He then looks back approvingly at the time when " a man's reward depended . . . on his uwn efforts," without appearing to realise that he is approving a social philosophy which was notoriously summed up as: " Every man for him- self, and the devil take the hindmost." Truly " satanic "! The right to be free is no more and no less than freedom to be right, and it is just nonsense to pretend that a man can demand to be a member of society

and remain 'unsocial.—Yours truly, ROBERT H. CORRICK. 4 Grantlands, Gficultne, Cullompton, Devon.

[This correspondence is now closed.—ED., Spectator.]