29 DECEMBER 1950, Page 26


[A Book Token for one guinea will •be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, ?tummy 9th. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]


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1. Poor subjects for the lip-reader. (14.) 8. White Burgundy. (7.) _

10. Midas must have signed with it. (4, 3.) 11. I am the postcript. (4.) 12. It goes to the wall for Jackson. (5.) 13. An essential part of the national railway service. (4.) 17. One sort of engraving seen on tables. (6, 7.) 19. Quality of a lyric deserving a musical setting ? (13.) 22. It may be this or nothing. (4.) 23. A musical bellows-mender, (5.) 25. Chief of returning articles. (4.) 28. "Poor I am stale, a - out of fashion " (Shakespeare). (7.) 29. No darts in his composition. (7.) 30. Supports for the guns, though it sounds like archery. (8, 6.)


2. " England has saved herself by her exertions, and Europe by her - " (Pitt). (7.) 3. The archer who couldn't keep a secret. (4.) 4. Ground at Calverley's door. (5.) 5. The customer to expect at the beauty parlour ? (4.) 6. Tribal aspect of sinuses. (7.) 7. Positively sober ? (3.) 8. Bill confuse,: a nong the links gets sore. (9.) 9. It's neat material, possibly. (7.) 14. The proper employee ? (5, 4.) 15. Where one might expect a chilly reception. (5.) 16. " Many a - isle needs must be In the deep, wide sea of misery " (Shelley). (5.) 18. Browning's good-night. (7.) 20. A Bennett character in Rio becomes a political economist. (7.) 21. A join on Noah's craft he never saw. (7.) 24. " Away with him 1 he speaks - " (Shakespeare). (5.) 26. As Carroll observed, the oysters hadn't any. (4.)

27. Indispensable to sound mastication. (4.)

28. Balloonists talk. (3.)