29 DECEMBER 1950, Page 4

His Majesty's Judges of various grades put a number of

interesting decisions on record before laying off for Christmas. A motor-cyclist on to whose machine a horse jumped over a hedge sued the horse's owner for damages and lost ; hard lines, but apparently the law ; a foundry-worker's wife who had booked lodgings in the Isle of Wight, and then cancelled on account of poliomyelitis in the island, was made to pay for the rooms, with costs ; rather hard lines, but apparently the law ; a hotel-keeper from •whose parking-place a car was stolen while its owner was in having a drink was sued success- fully for the price of the car, even though a notice was posted up stating that the hotel would be responsible for no loss of or damage to a patron's car ; hard lines, but apparently the law. The proprietors of Harringay Arena, sued in respect of damages to a spectator struck in the face by the " puck " at an ice-hockey match, won their case ; a nice point. The net result is to underline the uncertainties of the law, and the wisdom of keeping out of the courts whenever possible. * * ** •