South Africa After his victory in the elections, General Hertzog
has constituted his new ministry. Mr. Tielman Roos, a very able man, has had to retire on account of his health. Mr. Boyden, formerly Minister of Labour, also retires, Colonel Creswell returns to office as Minister both of Defence and Labour. Another Labohr member, Mr. Sampson, becomes Minister of Public Works and Posts. The new Ministers of importance are Mr, Oswald Pirow and Mr, Jansen. Mr. Pirow is a brilliant young lawyer, with great energy, and becomes Minister of Justice, Mr, Jansen has been a very successful Speaker of the House of Assemblies, of whom all parties speak well for his seriousness as a worker and for his impartiality as Speaker, That General Hertzog should have persuaded him to become Minister for Native Affairs is hopeful, as it ought to mean that he realizes that what he has made a party question at the election is something more serious? and needs to be handled by the best man in a national spirit. But we do not envy Mr. Jansen the responsibility of the post, as General Hertzog hands it over to him,. We regret to learn of ugly rioting between black and white in Durban, which has also been visited by a terrific and damaging hail-2torm.