29 JUNE 1929, page 28
The Music Of Applause
AT first' blush the "names o f Sybil Thorndike and Yvette - Guilbert Seern to hal = e' little in coriniien; except that they are both artists to their very finger-tips, and that......
Sleuths And Slayers
The' Best Detective Stories of 'the Year. 1928. With as introduction by. R. A. Knox. (Faber and Gwyer.. 7s. 6d.) WaNr is a detective story, Father Knox asks in his introdue7......
In Trust For Civilization The Mandates System In Relation To
Africa and the Pacific, Islands. By Elizabeth van Maarten Hehner, Ph.D. (P. S. Bing and Son, Ltd. 15s.) " THE object of this book," the publishers tell us, " is to give - an......