Another Query. Did The Hard Winter, That Punished The Birds,
diminish insects ? We shall not know till the wasps appear how the balance falls, but have already many instances. That abominable little plague the apple sawfly is worse than I......
Science And Crops.
A similar point arises in a considerable number of farm crops. It was hailed as a new boon for. British farmers when Professor Biffen " created " a wheat of much higher "......
Peony And Carnation.
The flowers that flame in English gardens in June are now so many and glorious that selection is an almost painful process for gardeners, small or big: Varieties increase by the......
Sour Gnats.
That eminent band of scientific men, mobilized by the Americans, in their most thorough manner, to investigate the secret of the perfect lawn or golf green, have come to a......
Sugar Or Yield ?
One aspect of the crop demands more attention than it has received. The plant was grown in England sixty years ago at least ; and there are records of the results. They are......
Country Life
A PENETRATING PLANT. Among the - English fitful crops that have enjoyed a real revival this year is sugar-beet. The acreage fell alarmingly ' last year, but that was an......
A Vanishing Bird.
Is it really true—can it be true ?—that the yellow-hammer is vanishing ? At one time of year it is the most apparent of all our small birds, and so numerous, as a rule, that the......