Looking Ahead. ` It Would Be An Easy Matter To
indulge in speculations as to the course of political developments during the next six months, and, of course, the first session of a new Government cannot fail to be other than......
Fin A Ncial' Noteg End Of The Half-year.
MosT of the leading financial centres have been more or leSi affected during the past few days by, the approach of the turn of the half-year. In the United States there are......
Rationalizing Oil Industey,
At the recent meeting of the Shell Transport and Trading Company, the chairman, Viscount Bearsted, made some very interesting comments upon the present situation in the oil......
Finance—public And Private
The -Coming Half-Yeat AT the beginning of the year when attempting to foresee the possible course of markets during 1929, I commented on the fact that it would probably be......
Subsequent Developments.
So far as the three factors already enumerated are concerned, it may be said that the only one which has developed favourably from the stock market point of - view is the......
An Early Reaction.
The year had not proceeded very far when a keener realization of the importance of these factors began to exert a disturbing influence upon the Stock Exchange. At the end of......
Bank Rate Prospects.
We start the half-yeaf with a' holding of gold at the Bank of England of about t10,000,000 - leis thaii at the same time a yeir Elio; and while we may Conceivably be favourably......
Hrrnissic - Merits Unaffected.
Let me hasten to add, however, and especially with a view to the reassurance of genuine investors who may chanee to read this article; that theSe views are concerned with......