"a Bolt) Peasantry . ."
- [To the Editor- of. the -SPECTATOR.] SIR,—The lines from-Goldsmith's "Deserted Village," q uot e d by Mr. Cecil Wilson- in. your issue- of to-day-(June ,22nd) are, when read......
Letters To The Editor
A POST-ELECTION REFLECTION [To the Editor of the SPEc-rAToa.] SIR,—Now that the Election is over, peOple are taking stock of tendencieS. I think it is definitely recognized th......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Agfee 'with - Yen In
endorsing the quotations- from Mrs. Corbett Ashby - arid Mr.' Henry Hobhoithe in your artiele' "The Real Cie:avail " your issue Of June - 15th, and I halla no fault to find with......
The Real Cleavage - .
[To the Editor of - the . SPEc-rApcar.] • - - - - one of the thousands of young' women who voted Labe& last mbntli and took an active part oh the'iorki-f bori'ai well as at......