29 JUNE 1929, Page 1

The Left: Wing - :of Labour The Sabbath was enlivened in

Glasgow by two " monster " meetings arranged:by_ the Glasgow Federa- tion -of the Independent Labour Party. Mr. Wheatley was billed to attend, but he did not put in an appearance. Of the eight Members of Parliament present, both Mr. James Maxton and Mr. Kirkwood harped on the theme of the " tremendous fight " they were going to put up in Parliament, unless the Labour GoVernment were going to act in an opposite direction to any Government that was in control before. Our readers must make what they can of this.' We can only liken it to " sound and fury signifying nothing." It is only fair to say that a greater sense of realities is being shown by some of our " Socialists." The weekly organ of the I.L.P. reee: ntly published a striking article by Mr. H. N. Brailsford, appealing to his co-religionists to face the facts—which are, as we have intimated in a leading article this week, that "Socialism " is simply a pious aspiration, and that the purposes and policy of men calling themselves Labour or Liberal are, in practice, scarcely distinguishable. This view has received not a little support in The New Leader, though not, of course, the editorial cachet,