FEDERICO BEuraAN-MAssks, the Spanish painter who works in Paris, though enjoying an almost unequalled popularity on the Continent, is practically unknown here. Now, however, an exhibition 'of his work occupies the whole of the New Burlington Galleries, and those who wish to can take the opportunity of seeing how his popularity has been obtained. This artist chiefly paints women. He has created a new type of woman, on which even his portraits are modelled, and variations of this type are rather over conspicuous throughout the exhibition. His style is individual, but occasionally in his more decorative work one is somehow reminded of Brangwyn. The consistent way in which he paints his ideal- istic women, now under dark blue night skies, now floating in gondolas, leads to something very near monotony, and his colour and lighting are far removed from nature. He makes the most of Spanish national dress, as in his portrait of Mademoiselle (why not Senorita ?) Suzanne Albarran, standing erect, hand on hip with a long white mantilla. His decorative work has a decided charm about it.