We shall here pause in our narrative, for the purpose of introducing to the notice of our readers a few anecdotes, which will not only serve to illustrate the early character of Davy, but to exhibit in their origin and growth several of those prominent peculiarities which distinguished him in after life. That he was a boy of decision and courage, may be inferred from the fact of his having, upon his receiving a bite from a dog, taken his pocket knife, and, without the least hesitation, cut out the part, on the spot. The gentleman from whom the author received this anecdote, observed, that he had frequently heard him declare his disbelief in the existence of pain, if the energies of the mind were directed to counteract it ; but he added, that he very shortly afterwards had an opportunity of witnessing a practical refutation of this doctrine, for upon being bitten by a fish, Sir Humphrey roared out most lustily.