SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have read with interest the article which appeared in a recent number of the Spectator, entitled " The Goodwill of British Commerce." The facts as set out in the article deserve the closest consideration, since there can be no doubt that the supply abroad of a steady stream of reliable information with regard to British conditions is of the highest importance, both from the commercial and other aspects.
There is, I fear, much truth in the remarks of the writer of your article, but it may be of interest to state that at any rate, so far as industrial news is concerned, the problem haS not been entirely neglected. The Federation of British Industries have for many years maintained a Press Depart- ment for the purpose of collecting and disseminating accurate news as to British industrial conditions and the progress made by British industry, and this department is at the service of all representatives of the Press. I am glad to say that a very considerable number of representatives of foreign newspapers and agencies regularly. use this department, and I should like to, take this opportunity of making it known to those who do not do so that the services of the Federation are freely offered to them, and that personal or written inquiries will always be welcome.—I am, Sir, &c.,
(Federation of British Industries). 89 St. James's Street, London, S.W. 1.