India In India the trial at Delhi of the two
men who threw a bomb in the Legislative Assembly last April ended a fortnight ago with sentence of transportation for life. At Meerut the trial of the Communists is proceeding after the disposal of some futile technical objections to the venue. The strike movement in Bombay has been less violent and the industrial position there is a little more hopeful. The Government inquiry has begun. In Mysore there has been some serious communal fighting. As against her troubles of this kind we can set the satisfactory reception of the Viceroy's action, taken under the Government of India Act of 1919, in postponing the elections and prolonging the life of the Legisla- tive Assembly. Lord Irwin was obviously right in his view that this year would be the worst possible for an Election and quite incompatible with any effort to take seriously the work of the Simon Commission.
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